nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Thursday, February 10, 2011

On Egypt

The power of the People is phenomenal.  I must admit that I was skeptical, but seeing it in action in Egypt showed me that people can really rule the country, not just the statesmen.

Persistence, dedication, good reason, throw in some good portions of civility to get the global backing, and you have the foundations of a ripe revolution.  Not to mention some momentum, from Tunisia.  The Egyptian people have been at it for weeks now, and the movement is growing stronger now that public servants are on sporadic strike.  In effect, I suppose this is holding the country hostage, but isn't that what Mubarak was doing?

I'm not very much into politics or policy but this has really piqued my interest, especially seeing the sentiment of the global leaders.  Can they push to have a leader step down? Isn't this like a political takeover?

The way that everything came together, and the speed, is a sign of the times.  Here the internet, specifically Facebook of all things, was a catalyst to help mobilize and communicate the masses.  Then the government chops the internet (What??!) and so google allows a mobile phone app to continue the messaging.  Wow, now you have web companies starting to pick political sides..

Sign of the times - get with the programs.  Lets see how it all pans out, all the best to the Egyptian people.

The Paint is Dry!

Chalk up another line in the victory column - the paint is done, and the stickers are up!

We went for a "woodland animals" theme in the room, so we painted it a soft yellow, and i stenciled on some light green grass at the bottom.  And we went to town with some cool stickers of trees, leaves, birds, curious bunnies and funky-plaid porcupines.  Don't forget about the giraffe growth chart behind the door!

It looks great, and now its become our Fun Room!  Pics to come!