nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Monday, June 4, 2012

First day of school

It's the night before the first day of daycare..and sure enough this post is coming at 3am.  The bear seems to be going through separation anxiety, as well as teething, and getting over a sickness - so she's very clingy and only interested in mom these days.

But still very determined!  Trying to get her to self sooth to sleep is an epic fail.  The crying and wailing, non stop.  Most interesting is her tenacity. She will cry and stand by the crib wall for a while  get tired and then go to lie down.  But then just as she gets down she remembers "no, I must keep fighting" and she gets back up.  She won't even lie down, just put hey face on the bed, then get back up.  Saw her do this
about 12 times tonight over and over.

She's got the will power...so interesting to see her dedication!