nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year.

Well it's a happy new year.  Celebrating the holidays with an eight month old brand new daughter, it brings a different vibe to the holidays.  Brings back the magic.

Baby is growing up right before our eyes. I remember when she first was able to follow us with her eyes, then able to sit up.  Then at about six months she started flirting around with crawling...and grabbing into things as a crutch to stand.  But her latest trick is the clapping, which now she does all the time.  Come home from work, clap.  Clap to her, get a clap.  Try to feed her, get a clap.  Want to sleep?  Clap. 

It's so rewarding though!  And this will be a great year with her as we start to be able to communicate with her and share life as she develops.  This is a great adventure, and well worth all the sleepless nights.  She will have her first birthday in a few months, at which point it's apt to celebrate a Happy New Year.

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