nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Celebrating St Patties as a baby

One of the few times St Patties falls on a Saturday night; would have been sloppy before, but now the only wobbly walker is our 10 month old.

She was crawling by December, and standing in January but by Feb she had started taking some steps.  One week in Mexico and she's like Frankenstein, or more like a zombie walk.  In honour of St Patties, she had the classic drunken walk.  Made me so proud.

Next step is the potty, and new we are at 5 days without changing a poopy diaper!  We are catching them by putting her on the potty and its working nicely, unbelievable!

The other milestone we hit is that she did choke on her hairclip and vomited all over the wife, on multi occasions...but the Dr said she was fine just a sensitive gag reflex after the choke.  Well that has made us sensitive too!

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