nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One week of amazingness

My daughter was born just over a week ago - wow, just saying "my daughter" wil take some time to get used to. It's like when you get married and you first transition from calling your girlfriend your wife.  Different, but gratifying.  Takes a while to get used to, but I love it.

I wanted to document the first week because there were a lot of firsts this week, and a whole lot of learning:

Night 1- hospital, setting alarms to wake up every three hours.  This was a rough night because we were running on fumes being up all night, and meeting with visitors all day. It was tons of fun butt wer were exhausted! But we managed to get up and feed and stuff. Whew.

night 2- now we're at home, things are a little different.  figured out how to change a poopy diaper at 3am!

Night 3- ok, now she's crying, the breast feeding isn't working as well as hoped.. Need to use the syringe, don't want baby to have nipple confusion.  Oh man she keeps crying!

Night 4- oh ok so maybe we weren't feeding her enough...jackpot!  Parent win!

Night 5- difficulty falling asleep, how come? I see, she's a little cold.. Ok lets swaddle her up, hit the mitts and hat, she's our bundle of joy!

Night 6- still crying, but fully fed. Hrmm, wait, what's that sound? What's that smell? Great looks like she's got gas.  Ok I heard that you can have skin to skin tummy time to help pass the gas - awww man she just pooped all over my chest! Help, help!

Night 7- ok now what- she's warm, fed, burped, peed and pooped-or is she? She's quasi latching on but breastfeeding isn't working right.  Awww no, now she won't take the syringe. Still wailing! Mommy and daddy are going nuts!! Aright honey you win, for your 1 week bday you are getting a bottle.  Ahhhh what a beautiful sleep that night was...

So it took us a week but we've kind of got it figured out now...so far.  But what a journey; however every night the wife and i hit the sack with our bond closer than ever- teamwork, you know?

Can't wait for week two.

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