nth harmonic

nth harmonic
aligning at points along the way

Monday, June 4, 2012

First day of school

It's the night before the first day of daycare..and sure enough this post is coming at 3am.  The bear seems to be going through separation anxiety, as well as teething, and getting over a sickness - so she's very clingy and only interested in mom these days.

But still very determined!  Trying to get her to self sooth to sleep is an epic fail.  The crying and wailing, non stop.  Most interesting is her tenacity. She will cry and stand by the crib wall for a while  get tired and then go to lie down.  But then just as she gets down she remembers "no, I must keep fighting" and she gets back up.  She won't even lie down, just put hey face on the bed, then get back up.  Saw her do this
about 12 times tonight over and over.

She's got the will power...so interesting to see her dedication!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Celebrating St Patties as a baby

One of the few times St Patties falls on a Saturday night; would have been sloppy before, but now the only wobbly walker is our 10 month old.

She was crawling by December, and standing in January but by Feb she had started taking some steps.  One week in Mexico and she's like Frankenstein, or more like a zombie walk.  In honour of St Patties, she had the classic drunken walk.  Made me so proud.

Next step is the potty, and new we are at 5 days without changing a poopy diaper!  We are catching them by putting her on the potty and its working nicely, unbelievable!

The other milestone we hit is that she did choke on her hairclip and vomited all over the wife, on multi occasions...but the Dr said she was fine just a sensitive gag reflex after the choke.  Well that has made us sensitive too!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Up up and away

It's amazing to see the growth and development add parents of a newborn, but so much fun to see the baby's excitement about things too!

And the pace is just perfect to keep you at full engagement. At around six months she started flirting around with crawling, then by eight months she was mobile and had two teeth coming in.  Now she's all about standing, and the balance and agility growth is spectacular! She is now trying to move her legs, and that means first steps will be coming soon...it's so exciting!

But even more rewarding is seeing the sense of accomplishment she see in herself! She started responding to her name at about 8 months too, and figured it how to clap at 7, so when she started standing she just kept clapping - yes, she gave herself a standing ovation.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year.

Well it's a happy new year.  Celebrating the holidays with an eight month old brand new daughter, it brings a different vibe to the holidays.  Brings back the magic.

Baby is growing up right before our eyes. I remember when she first was able to follow us with her eyes, then able to sit up.  Then at about six months she started flirting around with crawling...and grabbing into things as a crutch to stand.  But her latest trick is the clapping, which now she does all the time.  Come home from work, clap.  Clap to her, get a clap.  Try to feed her, get a clap.  Want to sleep?  Clap. 

It's so rewarding though!  And this will be a great year with her as we start to be able to communicate with her and share life as she develops.  This is a great adventure, and well worth all the sleepless nights.  She will have her first birthday in a few months, at which point it's apt to celebrate a Happy New Year.